Utah Counties Code – General Plan Requirements (17-27a-401)
State law requires coordination of land use and water resources for first, second, third, and fourth class counties.
Utah Counties Code – Water Wise Landscaping (17-27a-532)
A County may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Counties also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water wise...
Utah Government Operations Code – Water Conservation and State Government Facilities (63A-5b-1108)
Grass and turf limited to not exceed 20% of state facility property. Code requires reduction of outdoor water use compared to 2020 by 25% at the end of 2026, as well as a report filed with the Division of Water Resources outlining the best water...
Utah Municipal Code – General Plan Requirements (10-9a-403)
State law requires coordination of land use and water resources for first, second, third, and fourth class cities. Municipal general plans are required to identify methods of water conservation, reduction of water demand, and elimination of water waste.
Utah Municipal Code – Water Wise Landscaping (10-9a-536)
A municipality may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Municipalities also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water...
Washington City Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance
Washington City ordinance text adopted into city code.
Washington County Water Ordinance
Washington County ordinance text adopted into code.
Water and Irrigation Code – Agriculture Water Optimization (73-10g-2)
Department of Agriculture has funds to administer to projects that increase water efficiency in agriculture.
Water and Irrigation Code – Culinary Water Pricing Structure (73-10-32.5)
Requires culinary water pricing structure that incorporates increasing block units of water used.
Water and Irrigation Code – Great Salt Lake Integrated Water Assessment (73-10g-4)
Division of Water Resources must prepare by November 2026 an integrated water assessment for the Great Salt Lake that includes the development of a water flow budget.
Water and Irrigation Code – Legislative Water Development Commission Duties (73-27-103)
Duties of the Legislative Water Development Commission include studying the management of water resources and programs to promote water conservation hat is reported to the Natural Resources Interim Committee.
Water and Irrigation Code – Secondary Water Metering (73-10-34)
By January 2030, all secondary water systems must be metered or be subjected to fines. Fifth and sixth class counties are excluded. There is also an exemption if reliable meters are unavailable.
Water and Irrigation Code – Secondary Water Metering Loans and Grants (73-10-34.5)
Division of Water Resources received one-time federal funds to be used by 2034 to facilitate secondary water metering through grant applications.
Water and Irrigation Code – State Incentives to use Drought Resistant Landscaping (73-10-37)
Division of Water Resources can provide matching grant funds for changing grass to drought resistant landscaping for water conservation.
Water and Irrigation Code – State Water Policy (73-1-21)
Outlines that Utah shall pursue development of water resources and pursue water conservation efficiency and optimal use of water resources.
Water and Irrigation Code – Wastewater Reuse Act (73-3c)
Reuse of treated sewage effluent will become a major augmentation water resources for the future.
Water and Irrigation Code – Water Conservation Plan Required (73-10-32)
Water Conservation Plans are an integral part of the State’s effort to conserve water. State code requires water providers to file with the Division of Water Resources a Water Conservation Plan that includes a copy of rate structures for retail water...
Water and Irrigation Code – Watershed Councils Act (73-10g-3)
Watershed Councils can facilitate water conservation efforts within their hydrologic basin watershed.
Water Efficiency Standards Checklist
Checklist to verify property adherence to water efficiency standards in outdoor landscaping.
Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance for Residential Dwellings
Template ordinance text for water efficient landscaping for residential dwellings that has prompts for personalization of city or town.