Limited Purpose Local Government Entities, Local Districts – Conservation District Act (17D-3)
Describes the purpose of a local district designed to encourage conservation practices for soil and water.
Limited Purpose Local Government Entities, Local Districts – Water Conservancy Districts Capital Assets (17B-2a-1010)
The four largest water conservancy districts are required by state law to adopt a capital asset assessment, maintenance, and replacement policy and submit a report every five years.
Real Estate Code – Water Wise Landscaping (57-8a-231)
A private entity (Homeowners’ Association) may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. The HOA also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from...
Utah Agricultural Code – Conservation Commission Act (4-18)
The Department of Agriculture is vested with conservation of both land and water. This section describes the Conservation Commission and its duties, as well as the Agricultural Rural Development Loan (ARDL) program.
Utah Agricultural Code – Conservation Coordination Act (4-46)
This act allows the Department of Agriculture to better coordinate its conservation programs.
Utah Counties Code – Water Wise Landscaping (17-27a-532)
A County may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Counties also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water wise...
Utah Municipal Code – Water Wise Landscaping (10-9a-536)
A municipality may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Municipalities also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water...