Best Practices for Water-Efficient Landscaping
Read best practices for landscape design, installation, and maintenance
Effective Practices for Landscape Maintenance
Presentation covering maintenance basics for water-efficient landscaping.
Landscape Ordinance Agenda Packet
Clearfield implemented a water-efficient landscape ordinance in 2022. View the information packet for the planning commission.
Park Strip Considerations
Best practices and considerations for water-efficient park strips.
State Construction and Fire Code – Residential Code (15A-3-205)
State plumbing codes adopted new water efficient standards for faucets and shower heads.
Utah Counties Code – General Plan Requirements (17-27a-401)
State law requires coordination of land use and water resources for first, second, third, and fourth class counties.
Utah Counties Code – Water Wise Landscaping (17-27a-532)
A County may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Counties also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water wise...
Utah Municipal Code – General Plan Requirements (10-9a-403)
State law requires coordination of land use and water resources for first, second, third, and fourth class cities. Municipal general plans are required to identify methods of water conservation, reduction of water demand, and elimination of water waste.
Utah Municipal Code – Water Wise Landscaping (10-9a-536)
A municipality may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Municipalities also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water...