Best Practices for Water-Efficient Landscaping
Read best practices for landscape design, installation, and maintenance
Effective Practices for Landscape Maintenance
Presentation covering maintenance basics for water-efficient landscaping.
Landscape Ordinance Agenda Packet
Clearfield implemented a water-efficient landscape ordinance in 2022. View the information packet for the planning commission.
Park Strip Considerations
Best practices and considerations for water-efficient park strips.
Real Estate Code – Water Wise Landscaping (57-8a-231)
A private entity (Homeowners’ Association) may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. The HOA also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from...
Utah Counties Code – Water Wise Landscaping (17-27a-532)
A County may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Counties also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water wise...
Utah Government Operations Code – Water Conservation and State Government Facilities (63A-5b-1108)
Grass and turf limited to not exceed 20% of state facility property. Code requires reduction of outdoor water use compared to 2020 by 25% at the end of 2026, as well as a report filed with the Division of Water Resources outlining the best water...
Utah Municipal Code – Water Wise Landscaping (10-9a-536)
A municipality may not enact an ordinance requiring a property owner to plant or maintain lawn or turf on any portion % of property owner’s property. Municipalities also may not enact an ordinance prohibiting a property owner from incorporating water...