Flip Your Strip Rebate Program
Removing lawn from your park strip can save more than 5,000 gallons of water each year, and residents can get cash for replacing turf with a water-efficient design. Central Utah Water Conservancy District, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District and...
Localscapes Rewards
Localscapes is an approach to landscaping designed specifically for Utah. Cash rewards and plan reviews are available for landscaping projects that meet programming requirements.
Smart Controller Rebates
Utahns can receive a rebate for up to $75 when they purchase an eligible WaterSense-labeled smart controller.
Tree Coupon Program
Washington County Water Conservancy District offers up to $30 on select water-efficient trees during spring and fall seasons.
Water and Irrigation Code – State Incentives to use Drought Resistant Landscaping (73-10-37)
Division of Water Resources can provide matching grant funds for changing grass to drought resistant landscaping for water conservation.